
Pickleball Memberships
Pickleball memberships are available on a month-to-month basis, no enrollment fees!
Single $30 / month
Family $40 / month
*Family includes 2 adults and children*
Pickleball Court Rates and Fees
General Court Fee $22 / hour
Courts can reserve up to 1 week in advance
Open Play $12 / person
All Levels
Monday 12:30 - 2:30 pm
Tuesday 12:00 - 2:00 pm
Wednesday 10:00 am - 12:00 pm
Thursday 10:00 am - 12:00 pm
Friday 12:30 - 2:30 pm
Saturday 1:30 - 3:30 pm
Sunday 10:00 am - 12:00 pm
Intermediate / Advanced (Levels 3.75+)
Tuesday 8:00 - 10:00 pm
Want to see who's playing? Join the WRRFC Open Play GroupMe
Pickleball Unlimited* $75 / month
Includes general court time, open play & leagues
No refunds/exchange for hourly court time
Pickleball Ball Machine* $15 / time
Does not include court time
Ball Machine Unlimited* $75 / month
Does not include court time
No refunds/exchange for peruse time
Permanent Court Time* $18 / hour
Weekly standing court time
Quarterly commitment paid in full
PCT Request Form
*Unlimited packages and PCT are for members only
*24 hours cancellation policy on all court reservations
*$15 Non-Member fee applies to all court time, lessons & open play
Pickleball Socials
WRRFC Pickleball Socials
Contact Jessica (440)665-5997 to register
WRRFC Spring Fling Social
Friday April 11th 6-9 pm $25/person
Includes 6-6:30 warm up, 6:30-8 round robin, 8-9 open play and food provided
Sign-up with a partner, registration closes Wednesday April 9th at 6 pm
Friday Night Pickleball
Member run pickleball socials 6:00 - 8:00 pm
Bring an appetizer to share
To view dates and sign-up CLICK HERE
General court fees and guest fees apply
Drills and Clinics
Contact Jessica (440)665-5997 to register
Learn to Play Pickleball
Learn the essentials of the fastest growing sport in America. You will emerge ready to play full games and matches with other players.
$105 for three-week clinic or $74 for two week clinic
10:30 am - 12:00 pm
- 3/20 & 3/13
- 4/3 & 4/10
- 4/17 & 4/24
Guided Strategy Drills
Join coach Nico in this adult drill for players who want to improve consistency and accuracy of shots, footwork and movement, shot placement, valleys and dinks, serve and return and strategy for game play.
$35 per class
Levels 2.5-3.25
11:00 am - 12:30 pm
3 and Me
Play with pickleball Pro Matt to take your skills to the next level. Perfect balance between personalized attention and small group dynamics. Sign up as a group of 3, drills will be tailored to each player's needs. Whether you're working on your serve, return, or net play. Matt can provide specific feedback and drills designed to address your unique strengths and weaknesses. Contact Matt to schedule a day and time (330)607-9762
$35 per class
Pickleball Leagues
Welcome to WRRFC pickleball leagues, where competitive spirit meets community fun! Join us for exciting ladder-style league play, spanning 6-9 weeks. Whether you're aiming to rise to the top of the ladder or simply enjoy the sport, WRRFC leagues offer a structured yet enjoyable environment for all players. Can’t commit to the full season?
Join our sub list to be contacted when we need extra players. Sign up as a sub here.
Questions: Contact Katie Treblas
DUPR League
How it Works:
- Each week you'll face off against players of similar skill levels
- Ladder-Style League: Climb the ranks in our competitive ladder system, player with the highest points moves up, player with the lowest moves down
- Games are played to 11, win by 1
- Match Recording: Every match score is recorded and integrated into the DUPR (Dynamic Universal Pickleball Rating) system, ensuring fair and accurate ranking updates
Spring 2025 DUPR Nights - March & April (9 weeks)
- Co-ed Levels 3.0-3.49 & 3.5-3.99, 4.0+ Wednesdays 7-9 pm
- Co-ed Levels 2.0-2.99 Tuesdays 8-10 pm
- March 4th - April 30th
- Member price $90 *no league fee for unlimited members
- Non-member price $225
- Additional administrative fee $10
- Status: Currently Full
Social Pickleball League
How it works:
- Format: Mix of fun formats like round robin, timed rounds, and ladder play.
- Community and Competition: Enjoy the balance of competitive play and social interaction. Connect with fellow enthusiasts, share strategies, and celebrate victories together
Spring 2025 Session - March & April (8 weeks)
- Co-ed all levels
- Sundays 12 - 2 pm
- March 2nd - April 27th *No play 4/20 Easter Sunday
- Member price $80 *no league fee for unlimited members
- Non-member price $200
- Additional administrative fee $10
WRRFC Mixed Doubles Pickleball Tournament
- Saturday March 29th 12:00 pm
- Check in and warm up begins half hour before tournament starts
- $40 per person + Pickleball Brackets service fee
- Medals for 1st, 2nd & 3rd place
- REGISTER by 10:00 pm on March 25th
- Questions? Contact Katie Treblas
WRRFC Men's Pickleball Tournament
- Singles: Saturday April 12th 12:30 pm
- Doubles: Sunday April 13th 2:30 pm
- Check in and warm up begins half hour before tournament starts
- $40 per person for one event or $60 for two events + Pickleball Brackets service fee
- Medals for 1st, 2nd & 3rd place
- REGISTER by 10:oo pm on April 8th
- Questions? Contact Katie Treblas
WRRFC Mixed Doubles Pickleball Tournament
- Saturday April 19th 12:30 pm
- Check in and warm up begins half hour before tournament starts
- $40 per person + Pickleball Brackets service fee
- Medals for 1st, 2nd & 3rd place
- REGISTER by 10:00 pm on April 15th
- Questions? Contact Katie Treblas

WRRFC owner Matt Treblas
Private and group lessons available, please contact one of the following pros for pricing and to schedule your lesson:
Pickleball Instructor
Nico Mostardi
- Played #1 singles and doubles at Cleveland State University
- World professional singles ranking 1559 and 1429 in doubles
- Two-time Horizon League Player of the Year
- Two-time Cleveland State Athlete of the Year
Contact Nico at (440)822-0383 or nmostardi@wrrfc.com
Pickleball Instructor
Dave Howell, USPTA
- Certified USPTA Professional
- Tennis Professional at WRRFC since 2003
- Graduated from Allegheny College with a Bachelor of Arts & from St. Lawrence University with a Masters of Education
- Played #1 singles and doubles at Allegheny College
- Coached college tennis for 7 years
- Strings and repairs tennis and racquetball racquets
Contact Dave at (330)968-9310 or dhowell@wrrfc.com
Pickleball Instructor
Matt Treblas, USPTA
- Certified USPTA Professional
- Certified NSCA Personal Trainer
- Certified TRX Instructor
- #1 singles and doubles player at Wittenberg University
- USTA 5.0 NTRP rated player
- Ranked top 50 singles pickleball player
- Has coached boys and girls team at Aurora High School
Contact Matt at (330)607-9762 mtreblas@wrrfc.com
Doubles Scoring
- Points are scored only on the serve; the receiving side cannot score a point.
- At the start of the game, the player on the right side (even court) serves to the diagonally opposite court.
- If a point is scored, the server moves to the left side (odd court) and serves to the diagonally opposite court.
- Players on the serving side continue to move from the right to left or left to right each time a point is scored.
- Players on the serving team do not alternate sides unless a point is scored. The receiving side never alternates sides.
- The first server continues to serve until the serving team loses a rally by committing a fault; then the serve passes to the second server on the team. [See * below for an exception]
- When the second server loses the serve, the serve goes to the other team and the player on the right serves first. That pattern continues throughout the game.
Calling the Score
- The score should be called as three numbers.
- Proper sequence for calling the score is: server score, receiver score, then, for doubles only, the server number: 1 or 2.
- To start a match, the score will be called as: zero – zero – two*
- The server number (1 or 2) applies for that service turn only. Whoever is on the right side (depending on the score) when the team gets the serve back is the first server for that service turn only. The next time that the team gets the serve back, it might be the other player that is on the right and is therefore the first server for that service turn only. Beginning players often mistakenly assume that the player keeps the same server number throughout the game.
- *First Server Exception: To minimize the advantage of being the first team to serve in the game, only one player, the one on the right side, gets to serve on the first service turn of the game. Since the serve goes to the other side when that player loses the serve, that player is designated as the second server. Therefore, at the start of the game, the score should be called, “0-0-2.” The “2” indicates the second server and means that the serve goes to the other side when the serve is lost.
- When a team’s score is even, the player who served first in that game must be on the right (even) side of the court and on the left (odd) side when the score is odd. Or, expressed alternately, when the first server of that game is on the right side of the court, that team’s score should be even. If this is not the case, then either the players are positioned on the wrong side of the court or the called score is inaccurate.
Singles Scoring
- Singles scoring is very similar to doubles except that there is no second server.
- The serve is always done from the right side when the server’s score is even and from the left side when the server’s score is odd.
- It is the server’s score that determines serving position, not the score of the receiver. The receiver lines up on the right or left side according to the server’s score.
- The score is called simply as: server score, receiver score.
Pickleball Terminology
- Baseline - The line at the back of the pickleball court (22 feet from the net).
- Centerline - The line bisecting the service courts that extends from the non-volley line to the baseline.
- Crosscourt - The opponent's court diagonally opposite a player's.
- Dink - A dink is a soft shot, made with the paddle face open, and hit so that it just clears the net and drops into the non-volley zone.
- Fault - An infringement of the rules that ends the rally.
- Foot fault - Stepping on or into the non-volley zone while volleying a ball, or, while serving, failure to keep both feet behind the baseline with at least one foot in contact with the ground or floor when the paddle contacts the ball.
- Half-volley - A type of hit where the player hits the ball immediately after it has bounced in an almost scoop-like fashion.
- Kitchen - The non-volley zone which is 7' from the net on both sides is commonly referred to as “the kitchen.” Players may not enter the kitchen to return a ball unless the ball first bounces.
- Lob - Hitting the ball in a high arc to the back of the opponent's court. Ideally designed to clear an opponent who has advanced toward the net.
- Net serve - A serve that touches the top of the net and lands in the proper service court (rule change: serve is in and is played).
- Non-volley zone - A seven-foot area adjacent to the net within which you may not volley the ball. The non-volley zone includes all lines around it. Also called the "kitchen".
- Poach - In doubles, to cross over into your partner's area to make a play on the ball.
- Rally - Hitting the ball back and forth between opposite teams.
- Serve (service) - An underhand lob or drive stroke used to put a ball into play at the beginning of a point.
- Server number - When playing doubles, either “1” or “2,” depending on whether you are the first or second server for your side. This number is appended to the score when it is called, as in “the score is now 4 - 2, second server”.
- Sideline - The line at the side of the court denoting in- and out-of-bounds.
- Side-Out - occurs when the serve moves to your opponent’s side.
- Third Shot Drop - A soft, low shot the serving team hits after serve and return, the ball should land in the opponent's kitchen to allow time to move to the kitchen line.
- Volley - To hit the ball before it touches the ground and bounces.
- USA Pickleball Rule Book & Official Rules