Welcome to the WRRFC Playroom!
Here at WRRFC, it is our promise to you, the parent or legal guardian, to ensure that your little one is among a safe, child-friendly, and fun environment.
Parents and legal guardians will appreciate the comfort of knowing their children are in good hands while they are taking a class, playing tennis, or working out. In the playroom, your child can play with an endless selection of toys, watch movies, and make crafts--all under the close supervision of our trusted team of caregivers! Each member of our staff has expertise in caring for children of all ages, as well as additional training in the areas of health and safety.
This service is provided complimentary to club members and available to guests for an additional fee.
Parents no longer have to worry about a babysitter canceling or paying someone to watch their children.
Playroom staff accommodates for PCT players.
Playroom FAQs
What is the Maximum Time My Child Can Stay in the Playroom?
WRRFC recommends that children remain in the playroom no more than two hours at a time, up to two times per day.
Is My Child Allowed to Bring Food into the Playroom?
No, snacks are not allowed in the playroom.
Should I Let Staff Know of My Children's Allergies?
Absolutely! New families will be asked to fill out a playroom registration form, which includes a section to list any allergies.
Can My Child Bring Electronics?
Yes, however it is your child's responsibility to make sure it does not get lost while in the playroom.
Playroom Guidelines
For the safety of our young guests, we present you with the following guidelines
- The playroom is for children 6 mos - 12 yrs
- Free playroom service to members
- Non-members pay a fee of $10 at the front desk--please provide playroom with receipt
- Parents are to remain on the premises of the club at all times while their child is in the playroom
- Any concerns should be communicated to playroom staff
- Individual dropping child off must be the one to pick-up, unless notified ahead of time
- Personal belongings such as diaper bags, toys, bottles, etc., must be labeled with the child's name to avoid confusion
- We encourage sharing, respect, taking turns, and keeping hands and feet to oneself