Since joining the Western Reserve Racquet and Fitness Club family, John Zappola has lost 46 pounds as a result of running our track on a regular basis. Accompanying his successful weight loss, his cholesterol medication and CPAP machine are no longer necessary. CPAP stands for continuous positive airway pressure, these machine are used for treatment of obstructive sleep apnea. Perhaps the biggest accolade thus far is the remission of John’s type 2 diabetes. Excessive weight and obesity can cause both sleep apnea and type 2 diabetes.
Exercise won’t cure everything
Too often, we focus on treatment instead of prevention and John’s hard work is a testament to that. Exercise won’t cure everything, but it can combat a large percentage of the ailments that plague mankind. Exercise on a regular basis not only has huge health benefits but will give you more energy, reduce stress and boost brain power.
A huge congratulations goes out to John! We will see you soon around the track.
Adam Whitlach
Personal Trainer
WRRFC Tennis Fitness and Friendship
Our club is more than just a gym. Over 90,000 square feet of space is devoted to improving your total fitness, featuring personal training, over 60 group fitness classes a week, the latest in exercise equipment, and 10 indoor and five outdoor tennis courts designed to keep you playing all year long. Contact us for more information, we’d love to help you meet your goals!