Tennis Tip Tuesday – Outside balls and inside balls

For the most part all players know the difference between forehand balls and backhand balls, however there is another important distinction one can make about how they’re hitting a ball: whether they’re hitting an outside ball or and inside ball. Technically how you discern if a ball is outside vs. inside is whether or not the ball travels across your body as it goes to your racquet. That, however, is hard to visualize for many players so to keep it simple:

An outside ball is:
– For a right-handed player the forehand on the deuce side
– For a right-handed player the backhand on the ad side

An inside ball is:
– For a right-handed player the backhand on the deuce side
– For a right-handed player the forehand on the ad side

When a player can understand the distinction between outside and inside a player can now make a more educated decision at where the ball is most likely to go. An outside ball will most likely go cross-court from where it is hit (or in doubles either thru the middle or a higher angle cross-court). Conversely and inside ball will most likely go down-the-line (or in doubles thru the middle or down-the-line).

By understanding where outside vs. inside shots will have the tendency to go a player can now a.) hit to the higher percentage target and b.) be better prepared to react to where a ball will likely be going.

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